If All Else; I Fall_2024

Dance Performance. Approximately 30 minutes. 12 performers

In this work, the performers have been asked to channel their inner waters; using sensorial memory as individuals to seep into the porousness of a collective body. Water as a form expands to the moving body through a post-human feminist understanding of the hydro-commons through embodied water circuitry, containment, and the resonance of its ebbing.

If all else; I fall is a linguistic play on words about binary interactions and last resorts. It serves as a conceptual metaphor for the decision-making and collective apathy to our troubled waters and the systems that trouble them. Using scores and structured improvisation, each movement offers an interaction that attempts to carve the inner landscape of each individual, weathering each rigid structure into a more fluid, felt, and formless state of embodied cadence through collisions of care.

Featured Artists

Aybüke Özel, Antea Chintoh, Camille Courchesne-Couturier, sujet espaces temps (Giverny Welsch), Hannah Schallart, Malika Medawar-Bouchard, Michelle Shuman, Rae-Michelle Comodero, Sabina Gámez Ibarra, Sarah Germain, Thaïna Rosinvil

Documentation: Cristo Riffo